The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien book review

The Two Towers by J.R.R Tolkien book review

Book reviews, Classics, Fantasy
When discussing fantasy, you can't help but talk about the The Lord of the Rings series. It has transcended its genre and its age and has become one of the most well-known names and titles in all of fiction, not just fantasy. The Two Towers is the second book in the trilogy and continues our Hobbits' and heroes' journeys as they attempt to stop the likes of Sauron and Saruman from gaining too much power and bringing darkness to the world. All the while, Sam and Frodo must bring that bring to Mordor and throw the ring in the flames to destroy it so no one else can use it. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the…
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Only The Lonely by Tamara Von Werthern book review

Only The Lonely by Tamara Von Werthern book review

Book reviews, Crime, Mystery
Only The Lonely was kindly gifted to me by Tamara Von Werthern herself after she asked me via social media whether her book about an older man who accidentally spent some time being a detective (based on her real-life father) would be something I'd be interested in reading, I said yes and a few months later when my TBR cleared up a bit, I picked it up. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any product via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. Only The Lonely follows the short story of Detective Philipp who accidentally finds himself pulling out some…
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Chasing Graves by Ben Galley book review

Chasing Graves by Ben Galley book review

Book reviews, Fantasy
A couple of months ago, I put out a tweet asking people where I should start with Ben Galley as I'd seen some good things about him. A few people came back, including Galley himself - his suggestion was to start with the Chasing Graves as it was the series he was most proud of. He then decided to DM me and said he'd be happy to send me a copy if I wanted to get started and you can't say no to that! So it was only fair that I slotted his book to the top of my TBR when it arrived. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at…
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My Five Most-Read Articles from February 2023

My Five Most-Read Articles from February 2023

Features, Monthly Round Ups
Every month I post an article that highlights the five articles I wrote that month which have done the best. This started as a great exercise in defining the five best articles from that month. However, with the majority of them now being book reviews and summaries from the previous month (such as this one) it is becoming more of an exercise in which book review gets the most traction. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of any of the products. As I said, the list is chosen only from the articles that…
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The Jigsaw Man by Nadine Matheson book review

The Jigsaw Man by Nadine Matheson book review

Book reviews, Crime, Mystery, Thriller
The Jigsaw Man was another book that when I asked people which book I should read from my physical TBR list received a lot of recommendations. The reviews on the blurb and the front of the book likened it to Val McDermid too which is high praise. However, I must say... I was incredibly underwhelmed. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. The Jigsaw Man tells the story of DI Henley and her return to the frontline of the police force after a couple of years out and her experience with…
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Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus book review

Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus book review

Book reviews, Historical Fiction, Romance
I won't lie to you, I picked up Lessons In Chemistry because it had a really appealing cover and ai had seen some really positive things about it. For £5 in my local supermarket, I couldn't say no. Then when I got home, posted it to my social and the tweet ended up getting a massively positive reaction, I knew it had to be the next book I picked up! Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. The use of these affiliate links does not affect my final opinion of the products. Lessons in Chemistry follows the story of the incredible Elizabeth Zott,…
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The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding book review

The Ember Blade by Chris Wooding book review

Book reviews, Fantasy
When I received the sequel to The Ember Blade, The Shadow Casket, from Gollancz, I quickly went out and ordered the first book in the series The Ember Blade. I did some quick research on it and quickly saw it had received a lot of praise from people who'd read it with some even claiming it to be "the best fantasy" they'd ever read and "Lord of the Rings for the modern age" so I went it to it with high expectations. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links provided below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of these products. The…
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Freeze by Kate Simants book review

Freeze by Kate Simants book review

Book reviews, Contemporary Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
Freeze by Kate Simants was kindly sent to me by Viper books after they put out a tweet with the premise and I keenly jumped on their tweet saying I'd love to receive a proof copy prior to launch. The premise I hear you ask? A group of "celebrities" go to Greenland to film a reality survival show but there's clearly someone on that boat who is determined to ensure someone else on that boat doesn't make the journey home. Intriguing huh? Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I'll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. Tori and Dee…
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The Four Books I Read in February 2023

The Four Books I Read in February 2023

Features, Monthly Round Ups
Last month I stated that it clearly wasn't a particularly good reading month for me and then I've gone and read the same amount of books in February. I set my reading goal to 60, at this rate, of four books a month, I'm only going to hit 48. I need to have a couple of really productive months if I'm going to reach it! Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. So yeah, in February I managed to finish four books. However, I do kind of have another excuse again.…
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Before I Go To Sleep by SJ Watson book review

Before I Go To Sleep by SJ Watson book review

Book reviews, Mystery, Thriller
When I recently asked on my social media channels what I should read next from my TBR list, the majority of the answers came back for me to read Before I Go To Sleep by S J Watson. I’d heard of the book before and had a general premise of what the book was about so I was keen to jump in and see if it could surprise me in any way. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose you purchase any products via the links before, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. Before I Go To Sleep tells the story of Christine who wakes…
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