Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith book review

Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith book review

Book reviews, Historical Fiction, Mystery, Thriller
I'd heard quite a few people suggest picking up and reading Child 44 including a lot of people who voted when I asked people which book on my physical TBR they should I should pick up next. I went into it blind with no idea what it was about, didn't even read the blurb. Was that a mistake? Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links provided below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. Child 44 focuses on Leo, an MGB officer who is quite literally the poster boy for the army - he's young, good-looking and loyal. He…
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Dead Head by C J Skuse book review

Dead Head by C J Skuse book review

Book reviews, Crime, Thriller
The third book in the Sweetpea trilogy, Dead Head, sees our hilarious secret serial killer, Rhiannon, on the run. She’s trying to hide from society as the whole world has found out about her and weirdly made her into an exciting celebrity for the whole of Twitter to talk about. In fact, she even has a book out now. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. As I said above, Dead Head is the third book in the series, so if you've not read the previous two books in the series,…
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In Bloom by C J Skuse book review

In Bloom by C J Skuse book review

Book reviews, Crime, Thriller
The Sweetpea series by C J Skuse is a series recommended to me by a fair few of my friends and one that I see a lot of people raving about online. In Bloom is the second in this series and sees us pick up Rhiannon's story right after she's just successfully had her cheating boyfriend sent to jail for the killings she's committed. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. In Bloom carries right on after where Sweetpea finished. If you've not yet read Sweetpea you definitely need to -…
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The Pact by Sharon Bolton book review

The Pact by Sharon Bolton book review

Book reviews, Mystery, Thriller
I picked up The Pact by Sharon Bolton after sourcing my physical TBR for a companion audiobook that wouldn't cost me half a lung. At £2.99 (about $3.60) for The Pact, I thought I'd pick it up. I'd had a couple of recommendations to read it by some friends too so that added to my reasoning for it. The premise sounded like it had potential too but did it live up the hype? Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below The Pact by Sharon Bolton tells the story of a group of young adults who are just about to pass their exams when one night they decide to take part in a dare that sees…
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My 5 Most-Read Articles from January 2023

My 5 Most-Read Articles from January 2023

Features, Monthly Round Ups
Each and almost (I forgot last month) I put out an article that shows you which articles performed best for me that month. Please note that the article contains affiliate links, this means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. This list only includes the articles that I actually posted that month or it would end up being a list that becomes quite a bit more monotonous (there's always the same top few articles). This month's articles are basically three reviews and the two summaries from the previous month. What they tell me is that I need to start writing more…
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The Four Books I Read in January 2023

The Four Books I Read in January 2023

Features, Monthly Round Ups
Yeah, doesn't look like January was a particularly productive month for reading, was it? There are a few factors to this but I'll go into those in a bit and discuss more the books I read and why it wasn't the biggest numbers this month. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. In January I read four books (well, "finished" as I started reading some in December). There was quite an array of different genres throughout the month, so that was good. There was one historical fiction novel, one contemporary fiction,…
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Anxious People by Fredrik Backman book review

Anxious People by Fredrik Backman book review

Book reviews, Contemporary Fiction, Mystery
When I read A Man Called Ove a couple of years ago, I absolutely fell in love with the character of Ove and the simple yet powerful story that Backamn told. One of my friends recommended I pick up Anxious People quite some time ago so when I received it as a present for Christmas I quickly put it to the top of my TBR and I'm so glad I did! Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. Anxious People by Fredrik Backman is such an interesting book. It tells the…
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Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris book review

Act of Oblivion by Robert Harris book review

Book reviews, Crime, Historical Fiction
Act of Oblivion is a book I was recommended and lent by a good friend. He's a big fan of historical fiction and rated Act of Oblivion as a book that I definitely needed to pick up and read. It focuses on a story that I don't think a lot of people know about but one which is actually really interesting! The problem when you write historical fiction based on a real story is if the story isn't deeply fleshed out in real life then you've really got to fill out the book with other details. Does Robert Harris do this enough here? Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you purchase any products via any of the affiliate links below, I may receive a…
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Spare by Prince Harry book review

Spare by Prince Harry book review

Book reviews, Memoir, Nonfiction
I can tell you now this book is one of the most talked-about books I've ever read. Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have divided the world. Their whole relationship has been "front-page news" since its reveal. In this book Prince Harry takes you through his whole life, admitting a lot and also revealing so much about how the Royal Family is run. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. Harry is often referred to as the "spare" which is a play on the fact that his brother William is the "heir".…
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The Five Books I Read in December 2022

The Five Books I Read in December 2022

Features, Monthly Round Ups
Every month I read some books, and then what I do is write a blog article about those books with a short summary of my review and a link to the full review. This way you can see what I've read and you can see what I thought of those books - genius eh? Every book blogger does it? Oh, ok. Anyway, here are the five books I read in December. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. In December I read five books which is about average. I was under…
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