Atlas and the Multiverse by Chandon Siman book review

Atlas and the Multiverse by Chandon Siman book review

Book reviews, Sci-Fi
Atlas and the Multiverse was a book kindly sent to me by the author at the request that I review it. The front cover intrigued me and the premise intrigued me: a young boy and his friends find and venture into the multiverse to save all of the universes. I love these sorts of things. Atlas and the Multiverse is the first book by debut author Chandon Siman. It is a middle-grade/young adult novel set in modern times based around three kids. The main character is Atlas (obviously), a fostered boy who begins to hear voices one day in school before having a vision of a man claiming to be his father. Atlas and the Multiverse plot - 4/5 Atlas and the Multiverse follows Atlas and his brother and sister,…
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Book review of The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne

Book review of The Shadow of the Gods by John Gwynne

Book reviews, Fantasy
The Shadow of the Gods was brought to my attention a while back when I initially began to watch a review of it on YouTube and then stopped as I didn't want to have the plot spoiled. I then saw a Twitter thread of best active fantasy authors and Joh Gwynne was on there so with this and the fact The Shadow of the Gods came on offer meant it all came together nicely. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links provided below, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you which goes towards funding the blog. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. The Shadow of…
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My 5 Most Read Articles from April 2022

My 5 Most Read Articles from April 2022

Features, Monthly Round Ups
At the start of each month, I highlight the best performing posts from the previous month. I only include articles I actually posted throughout that month and they're written in order. I don't do this to brag, it is to highlight what posts work well and which possibly don't for those prospective bloggers. Here are the most successful blog posts from the month of April 2022. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase a product via the links, I'll receive a small commission at no extra cost to you to support the blog. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. April was an exciting month for my blog when it comes to viewership stats. The majority…
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The 3 Books I Read In April 2022

The 3 Books I Read In April 2022

Features, Monthly Round Ups
This month wasn't one of my most productive months when it comes to reading. I was away on holiday for a week (which you'd think would result in more reading but it didn't) and I was off work for two weeks which resulted in me doing a lot of gaming, lazing around and socialising with friends so I didn't get any opportunities to read books. Therefore, I've only read three. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you to support the blog. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. Part of the reason I didn't read quite as many books…
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Book review of The Lost World by Michael Crichton

Book review of The Lost World by Michael Crichton

Book reviews, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Thriller
So you've read Jurassic Park - more likely than not because you saw the film and realised it's based on a novel. You realised the first book isn't quite the same as the film and there are actually some interesting character differences and big plot differences too. Now you want to see if the sequel is like that of the film sequel too. Well, keep on reading below to find out and find out if I liked it or not. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any products via the links provided, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of any of the products. Before you get…
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Why I use eBooks, Audiobooks AND Physical Books

Why I use eBooks, Audiobooks AND Physical Books

Yes, I use all of those platforms. I don't have a preference and if you asked me to give one up, I'd really struggle to choose which one. I enjoy reading a physical book, I see the benefits of having everything on my Kindle and I don't know how I'd live without audiobooks. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any of the products via these links, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my opinion of any of the products. When people ask me what I use to read books, I tell them all of these and they often ask me why I don't try and stick to one or…
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Luke’s Book Quiz Round 6 – 12 book questions to test your knowledge

Luke’s Book Quiz Round 6 – 12 book questions to test your knowledge

Features, Quizzes
Here we are with a sixth book quiz! That means if you've taken part in the previous four book quizzes already, by the end of this one, you'll have answered 72 questions on books. I wonder how many out of those 72 you get right. Do let me know! This book quiz is written under the same pretence as the previous four: I've written questions and answers to either books I've read, questions I'd know the answers to or questions on books I think many people would know the answer to. I don't want these quizzes to make you feel dumb, they're simply here to test your knowledge and maybe even find yourself a new read via the links to my reviews for many of them. Right, let's get underway.…
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These are the best Fantasy books according to Twitter

These are the best Fantasy books according to Twitter

Features, Recommendations
He's back once again using the content from others' tweets as content for his blog posts! Well, you seemed to like the other posts where my Twitter followers recommended content so why not keep posting them? Often on Twitter, I will tweet out a question to the Twitter masses in hopes that I'll get some book recommendations and then now and then these questions will end up getting a heck of a lot of responses. I'm on a bit of a fantasy hype at the moment so I decided to put out the following question: Using Twitter's improved embedding feature, you can actually see the number of responses live now. As it stands as of writing this, there are just over 100 responses to this of what people consider…
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Book review of Illborn by Daniel T. Jackson

Book review of Illborn by Daniel T. Jackson

Book reviews
Illborn by Daniel T Jackson was bought for me at Christmas at a perfect time for when I was ready for a brand new epic fantasy series to get into. I'd seen a lot of positive things online and decided to follow Jackson on Instagram which resulted in me seeing plenty more positive things. It currently has a 4.36 rating on Goodreads after nearly 500 ratings, so I think we can call that universally positive. But did I think it was any good? Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links provided, I will receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. Yes,…
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I’ve read 7 of the top 10 Most-Read Books from 2021 – Here’s what I thought

I’ve read 7 of the top 10 Most-Read Books from 2021 – Here’s what I thought

Whilst doing my usual nerdy googling of best books to read at the moment, I came across an article Goodreads posted at the end of last year on their most-read books of the year. I had a look through the list of 23 books and realised that I've seven of the top ten books. You'd also be surprised by the fact that not all of these books are modern books either - there are some classics on there. Part of my mission last year was to do a bit of catching up. After finding the likes of Bookstagram and Book Twitter, I found a lot more books that people considered "must-reads" that I picked up that I wouldn't have possibly read if I hadn't started blogging and joined these social…
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