All 9 books I read in January 2024 and what I thought about them

All 9 books I read in January 2024 and what I thought about them

Features, Monthly Round Ups
This month has been an absolutely fantastic month for reading. After an end to the year last year that saw my personal life, longer books and proof physical copies mean that I wasn’t finishing books I didn’t even do a round up in the end. However, this month was much better! Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. As the title suggests, I read nine books this month and they were of varying genres and varying quality. What I’ve gone and done below then is list out every single book I…
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River East, River West by Aube Rey Lescure book review

River East, River West by Aube Rey Lescure book review

Book reviews, Historical Fiction
River East, River West is a book that was kindly sent to me by the PR team behind the book itself. It's a fascinating book that covers tells the story of two separate people who end up being a huge part of each other's lives. Both have struggles, both have hopes and both are more like than either of them wishes to admit. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. River East, River West tells the stories of Alva and Lu Fang. Ala's story is told in Shanghai, 2007 and tells of…
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Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman book review

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine by Gail Honeyman book review

Book reviews, Contemporary Fiction
I think I'm quite some years behind on the Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine hype but it still felt like a read that was incredibly relevant and, if I had to guess, started off a trend of first-person quirky women narrators. Since then we've had quite a few first-person contemporary narratives that feature a lot of dark humour. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine follows an important few months in the life of Eleanor Oliphant. Eleanor clearly has some mild autism and thus struggles with a…
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The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn book review

The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn book review

Book reviews, Historical Fiction
The Whalebone Theatre by Joanna Quinn is the first book in my list of 12 books recommended to me by my followers on social media. It's a book that manages to weave the stories of three children who grew up pre-war in a slightly mixed family and who find safety and comfort in theatre, specifically a theatre they created themselves called the Whalebone Theatre. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. The Whalebone Theatre is told mostly through the narrative of our main heroine Cristabel Seagrave, however, there are chapters told from…
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Red Rising by Pierce Brown book review

Red Rising by Pierce Brown book review

Book reviews, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
I'd heard a lot about Red Rising on my social channels, especially on my TikTok where my algorithm has quickly ventured towards people giving me their best fantasy reads of 2023. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. It's received a lot of fans, with a strong note that the sequel Golden Son takes the series to a whole new level, so even if you weren't the biggest fan of Red Rising, you should definitely keep reading. Well, I was a huge fan of Red Rising - in fact, I tried…
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The Knight of the Moon by Gregory Kontaxis book review

The Knight of the Moon by Gregory Kontaxis book review

Book reviews, Fantasy
The Knight of the Moon was kindly sent as an ebook to me by Kontaxis after I reviewed his debut novel The Return of the Knights last year. It's a prequel novella to The Return of the Knights following the story of John, The Long Arm, a bounty hunter who is given the task of hunting down a dangerous knight who turned their back on the Gaeldeath. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. This is a very short novella, totalling less than 100 pages, so I've tried to take this into…
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Battlefield Earth by L Ron Hubbard book review

Battlefield Earth by L Ron Hubbard book review

Book reviews, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
Battlefield Earth is quite the epic. Not only is it over 1,000 pages filled with lots of characters but the audiobook version I was kindly gifted was over 45 hours, which even at 2x speed was quite the time consumption. Was it worth my time and, more importantly, would it be worth yours? Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means if you choose to purchase any products via the products below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 (as it's properly called) tells the story of Jonnie Goodboy Tyler and his incredible story as we meet him trapped by an alien called…
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Battle Song by Ian Ross book review

Battle Song by Ian Ross book review

Book reviews, Historical Fiction
Battle Song was a book sent to me last year that I picked up just before Christmas in an attempt to get through more of my gifted books. I roughly knew that it was historical fiction and that it would likely feature some battles (due to the front cover). I've come away rather impressed. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product. Battle Song tells the story of Adam De Norton, a young squire with the goal of being a knight one day. We follow De Norton as he joins a band…
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Helle & Death by Oskar Jensen book review

Helle & Death by Oskar Jensen book review

Book reviews, Crime, Mystery
I'm not the world's biggest crime fan. I think I feel a little bit like once you've read one crime book, you've sort of read a lot of them. However, sometimes a crime book comes along that's something just different enough to make it stand out for me. I think Helle & Death was just different enough to have me remember it for quite some time. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products. Helle & Death was kindly sent to me by the publishers in return for an honest review. Helle…
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7 Authors I Want to Read in 2024

7 Authors I Want to Read in 2024

Features, Recommendations
As 2023 has gone by, I have used a combination to decide what books I read next. This combination is usually ranked firstly by whether I have the audiobook available to listen to at the same time, then it's whether the book has been requested for review and then finally I base my decisions on simply what I want to read next. Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. In 2024, I most definitely want to explore some authors I read in 2023 and some new authors who I simply don't know how I've not managed to pick up any of their books…
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