Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree book review

I’m a huge fan of fantasy but I’ve never read a “cosy fantasy” before (as far as I’m aware anyway) so when people kept telling me that Legends and Lattes by Travis Baldree was such, it intrigued me as to what this exactly meant. Now I know. And I’m a huge fan.

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Legends and Lattes is a relatively simple tale of an Orc called Viv. Viv has done the questing, the great journeys, the wars and the killing and now she just wants to settle down in a small town and open a coffee shop. However, there are some people out there who have other ideas.

Legends and Lattes plot – 4/5

Trying to slap a number on the plot of Legends and Lattes is quite tricky because despite having absolutely no qualms with it and absolutely loving so much about what’s actually written here, there factually isn’t a massive amount going on.

The story mostly focuses around Viv building up her coffee shop, introducing new products and meeting and hiring the local people in the town. There is a sub-story of a local gang who require her to start paying a fee to continue running her business which is about the only drama involved.

So realistically not a vast amount happens and that may be the weakest part about the book. But at no point did I ever feel bored or uninterested in what was happening, but I equally can’t say it’s pull of plot.

Legends and Lattes characters – 4.5/5

One thing I can subjectively say was brilliant were the characters in Legends and Lattes. Viv herself is a kind-hearted Orc whose past experience also means she doesn’t take any nonsense from anybody which creates for a beautiful dynamic between her and the quieter, sweeter characters but also between her and the rougher, meaner characters.

As well as Viv, we have some lovely supporting characters, both those that work to help her with her shop, one of whom I couldn’t help but absolutely fall in love with and others who come and go throughout her time trying to introduce this foreign product to a small hamlet of a town.

Legends and Lattes final rating – 4.25/5

I now know what “cosy fantasy” is. It’s a novel based in a fantasy setting with fantasy characters but that doesn’t feature quests, journeys, deaths or politics but simply focuses on one small story. Legends and Lattes was an absolute delight to read with heartwarming characters, a fantastic main protagonist and a story that highlights the obvious benefits of coffee shops! The plot isn’t rammed with action like other fantasies but at no point did I ever feel bored or uninterested – in fact I’m incredibly keen to pick up the sequel and read more about these wonderful characters.

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