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The Djinn’s Apple by Djamila Morani book review

I love expanding my reading repertoire and so when I was asked to join a blog tour for The Djinn’s Apple by Djamila Morani, I happily obliged as it didn’t sound like a book I’d read before.

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The general story of The Djinn’s Apple is about a girl called Nardeen who, at a young age, has her house ransacked and her parents are murdered.

She then sets it out as her life’s mission to whatever she can to avenger her family and bring not only respect back to their shamed name but justice to the people that did this to them. What then ensues is Nardeen getting closer and closer to those she needs to in order to enact her revenge. 

The Djinn’s Apple plot – 4/5

The Djinn’s Apple is actually quite a short book, not even making it to 200 pages which has to be taken into consideration when picking it up.

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As a result of this you’re not going to get the longest, deepest sweeping plot. However, entangled in here is a mature story about a girl who grows into a young woman and learns more about the world around her and why possibly her parents were killed at the start of the novel.

The story flies by and I found myself having read far more than I thought I had at each stopping point. It’s also well written with some great one liners and some interesting thoughts to be had.

My big criticism of the plot would be that it just seemed to never really pick up. There were no grandiose moments aprt from near the end and I got the end and then the finale went out with a big of a whimper which is a shame!

The Djinn’s Apple characters – 3.75/5

The characters in The Djinn’s Apple weren’t particularly interesting either unfortauntely. Our main character Nardeen doesn’t really get enough interactions with others or internal dialogue for us to build up any opinion of her.

The only real opinion I built up of her was that she was fairly head strong and that she was determined to have revenge on her killer.

Other than this she has a fairly weak romance with one character which isn’t long enough to enjoy and wasn’t that deep anyway.

There is one redeeming character at the end who I quite enjoyed though which slightly redeemed the characters in the book for me.

The Djinn’s Apple final rating – 4/5

The Djinn’s Apple’s shortness hampers it from being anything other than an OK book. I gave it a 4/5 because I felt like it wasn’t necessarily for me but I have seen some very positive comments around it. Nardeen, our main character, is strong and determined, which is admirable, and the story is short and easy to follow. Other than this The Djinn’s Apple just didn’t click with me like I hoped it would.

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