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Blogger Spotlight: Bookshine and Readbows

In today’s Blogger Spotlight, we’re shining a light on Bookshine And Readbows owned by Steph. Bookshine and Readbows is a book blog filled with book reviews, author spotlights, blog tours and much more!

Blogger Spotlight Bookshine and Readbows
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What made you get into blogging?

​I’ve always been a prolific reader but had never even heard of book-blogging until my friend, the author J.J. Barnes, suggested it to me. She had already published a few books, which I had beta read before publication, and she persuaded me to give blogging a go. She even set up my original website for me!

Once I got going, I fell in love with everything about book blogging – the blogging community, the author contacts, the blog tours, the opportunity to support new and indie authors. I can’t imagine not book-blogging now!

What’s your most successful post?

I didn’t know the answer to this, as I rarely check my stats, but apparently, it is my review of Fortuna Sworn, by K.J. Sutton.

The sequel to this is still on my TBR pile, and I will have to bump it up the list because I really enjoyed this read!

What’s been your biggest uphill battle with blogging?
The combination of ongoing poor health and overenthusiasm for reading ALL THE BOOKS. 
I carefully plan how many books I can read and review in a given time period, and then inevitably have a spate of illness that puts me weeks (or even months) behind my plan. It’s frustrating, but I refuse to give up, so authors can rest assured that if I promised you a review at some point, it WILL come, no matter how late!
What are you most proud of about your blog?
Well, I love my logo!
My blog mainly features reviews, and I aim to always review honestly but kindly. I want both readers and authors to be able to trust that they will get good, fair treatment from my blog. So far, I’m proud that I seem to be mostly succeeding in this respect.
What one tip would you give to people looking to start a blog?
Blog for yourself. 
Blog about what you love and what makes you happy, or angry, or curious…
Don’t worry about stats or reader numbers – none of those reflects the impact you might be making with your blog in the real world. It only takes one reader to buy a book on your recommendation and you have made a difference to that reader and the author.
So, blog for yourself and enjoy it!
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