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Blogger Spotlight on Cozy with Books

Welcome back to another Blogger Spotlight. For these articles, I have sent out a request to anybody who would be interested in having their blog shown on another blog to reach out and answer some questions for me. Today we’ll be highlighting Cozy with Books run by Esther.

During a time when all of her friends were using the lockdown as an opportunity to create new things and start new ventures, Esther decided to create Cozy with Books to feed her love of reading and all things books.

What made you get into blogging?

I started reviewing books on Goodreads but wanted to move onto a different platform. I love books and during quarantine and lockdown back in 2020, my friends were using the time to start their own passion projects; small businesses, studying for a new certification, etc. I knew I loved reading, loved chatting about books, and thought that a book blog was the perfect place to just ramble about everything books.

What’s your most successful post?

Viewership wise, I’m not sure what my most successful post is as I don’t generally look at my stats on a day to day basis. Likes wise, I’d say the weekly bookish memes are my most successful or at least, most popular.

What’s been your biggest uphill battle with blogging?

Keeping a consistent posting schedule. Until recently, I have been on a daily posting streak. This helps me keep a decent schedule because I have a routine (Monday are review days, Tuesday is a meme day, Wednesdays are WWW Wednesdays, etc). But before that? I had a very hard time with posts. You might see a review one fair Monday, emptiness for weeks with the exception of maybe a tag here and there, and then another review three weeks later. It’s gotten better as I find a good schedule to work on, but this was my biggest challenge and struggle when starting out.

What are you most proud of about your blog?

Every time I reach a milestone I feel proud. I set big and small ones up. There was the time when I celebrated receiving my 10 reviews badge on NetGalley, the time I hit 100 posts, and more recently, hitting my 100th-day posting streak. With less and less spare time, I think that the last achievement may have been my biggest and favourite milestone accomplishment thus far.

What one tip would you give to people looking to start a blog?

– Don’t post for your stats, it’ll drive you nuts. 

– Post for yourself and treat blogging like some form of public journal. Try to post on a consistent schedule. It doesn’t have to be often, but maybe you can start with a post once a week on a Wednesday or a Friday, etc. 

– Planners are your friends! You can keep a list of posts in your journal (I personally keep track of things like First Line Friday/Teaser Tuesday books so I don’t repeat them) or set a reading schedule. Even for non-bookish blogs, a planner or bullet journal is a great way to stay organized!

Where you can find Donna and her content:


Twitter: @bookscozy

Instagram: @bookscozy


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