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My May 2022 Reading Round-up – The 7 Books I Read This Month

Every month I do a round-up of the books that I’ve read over the past four weeks and this month I’ve decided to add their rating out of five that I gave them to make it easier for you to decide which book review you want to read.

This month I read quite a fair few thrillers. I read four thrillers including one that’s not even out for another couple of months. I’m currently away on holiday but felt it necessary to write up a summary of the seven books that I read this month.

Whilst you’re reading through the list, let me know if you’ve read any of the books or whether any of these books may be ones that you decide to pick up.

The Couple at No. 9 by Claire Douglas

My summary: “I was quite tempted to give The Couple at No. 9 five stars. It’s a book that will keep you gripped throughout, keep you asking questions and find yourself utterly fascinated by the fictional story going on. However, because I guessed the plot and the characters weren’t quite as enjoyable as they could have been, it’s a four from me.”

Overall rating – 4/5

Read my full review of The Couple at No.9 here.

Pick up a copy The Couple at No. 9 from Amazon here.

The Girl Before by J.P. Delaney

My summary:I did like The Girl Before and was pleased by how it turned out. If I could give it a 3.5, I would but I don’t do that and I felt a 3 wouldn’t have represented how much I enjoyed it. Was Edward utterly dull and the two main characters only slightly more interesting? Yes. But was the storyline engaging and filled with endless unanswered questions that kept me reading? Yes.

Overall rating – 4/5

Read my full review of The Girl Before here.

Pick up a copy of The Girl Before from Amazon here.

The Catch by T.M. Logan

My summary: “I was gripped by The Catch. The audiobook I listened to was very well delivered and when I got home, I carried on reading the physical and Kindle book as soon and often as I could to find out the real truth. It’s a great thriller that if intrigue and mystery are your sort of thing, will be right up your street.”

Overall rating – 4/5

Read my full review of The Catch here.

Pick up a copy of The Catch from Amazon here.

A Change of Seasons by Khurram Elahi

My summary: “I don’t know if A Change of Seasons by Khurram Elahi is exactly my type of book. However, it is a book that in retrospect I can appreciate and respect what Elahi was trying to do. It’s a dark story about a man’s unfortunate and dark journey into a deep depression and loneliness that takes a man from his very best to his very worst. If you’re into almost poetic writing and reading stories about dark, psychiatric journeys, this could be the book for you.”

Overall rating – 4/5

Read my full review of A Change of Seasons here.

Pick up a copy of A Change of Seasons from Amazon here.

East of Eden by John Steinbeck

My summary: “John Steinbeck has won a noble prize for a reason – East of Eden is one of the most complete and enjoyably written books I’ve ever read. It covers every plot point, every drama and every story arc you can think of. It discusses money, parenting, ageing, morality, war, loss, life and so much more all in one book. East of Eden also features some of the most memorable characters literature has ever had the grace to form. Read East of Eden, it may well just be my new favourite book of all time.”

Overall rating – 5/5

Read my full review of East of Eden here.

Pick up a copy of East of Eden from Amazon here.

Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan

The fourth book in the Percy Jackson book sees the team join up again for another quest that sees them tackle mythological creatures and discover more about themselves. This is the penultimate book in the Percy Jackson series and nothing about it felt particularly final.

As with the other books, there’s some great imagination here and action moments that I imagine would appeal to the target audience of younger people.

Overall rating – TBC

Pick up a copy of Percy Jackson and The Battle of the Labyrinth from Amazon here.

The Family Remains by Lisa Jewell

I have a review of The Family Remains coming up once I get back from holiday. It’s a sequel to the sensation hit The Family Upstairs which Lisa Jewell wrote a few years ago about a family who get caught up in a cult after a man moves in and slowly starts implementing his rules.

The Family Remains follows this story after it rounded up, picking up a year after the events when some bones are found in the Thames, bringing up memories and a history of the house that nobody wanted to bring up.

Overall rating – TBC

Pre-order a copy of The Family Remains from Amazon here.


It has been a busy month of reading (the holiday I’m on has probably helped). There have also been a couple of books that I finished this month that I started last. A nice selection of thrillers, a fantasy and a classic on this list have seen May be one of my best months for reading this year.

For me, East of Eden is one of the best books I’ve ever read and will certainly be making an appearance in my list of the best books I’ve read this year coming up at the end of the year. It’s a book that deserves all the praise that has come of it since its initial release many decades ago.

I’ve had a fair few authors and publishers offer to send me their books recently and so over the next couple of months, I may well be reading and reviewing some new books that you’ve never heard of.

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