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The 6 Books I Read in April 2023

Welcome back to another monthly article where I round up all of the books I’ve read this month. In April, I managed to finish 6 books – I literally finished one about 15 minutes before starting this article so that’s good timing!

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The six books I read this month had some good variety to them with some historical fiction, a comedic travel diary, some fantasy, a contemporary thriller and more. Safe to say, I think I covered most genres this month with the books I read.

As to which book I found the best, you’ll have to pop through to each of the books’ reviews and see which one received the highest ratings.

As I do every month, I’ve listed the books below and then extracted my summary of each book from their review to give you an idea as to my thoughts on each book. In some cases I’ve not yet gotten around to reviewing the book so I’ve just included a quick summary of my initial impressions. However, if you’re reading this review much later, I’ll have replaced them with my actual review summary.

Also, because I’m kind like that, there’s a link to each book so you can quickly go and pick up a copy of it if you so wish.

So let’s get down to the list of the six books I read in the month of April 2023.

The Four Winds by Hannah Kristin

“Sometimes a book will come along that you’ve heard some good things about but you go into it with a lot of scepticism because you’ve been oversold a book before. However, I can assuredly say that’s not the case with The Four Winds by Kristin Hannah. A story about life, struggles, poverty, survival and motherhood with characters who you root for and fall in love with and written in a way that almost feels poetic makes The Four Winds one of my must-read books I’ll be telling everybody to read!”

Read my full review here | Pick up a copy from Amazon

An Idiot Abroad by Karl Pilkington

“If you fancy picking something up that’s quick and easy to read and will guarantee you a laugh then you won’t go wrong with An Idiot Abroad. If you’re looking for something more serious that will teach you about the Seven Wonders of the World, you’re probably better off going elsewhere, but if you’re looking for some wonderfully unique takes and a good laugh at the expense of a man who is not afraid to give his honest, British, down-to-earth opinion then you’ll find this diary of Karl Pilkington’s travels an absolute hoot!”

Read my full review here | Pick up a copy from Amazon

Beartown by Fredrik Backman

“Fredrik Backman has done it again with Beartown. He’s written a fairly odd book about a very unique situation and has dragged me deep into investing in the characters and flipping the pages at a rate of knots to see what’s going to happen next. As with all of Backman’s books, Beartown starts a little slow as Backman builds depth to all of the characters but halfway you’ll be shocked, pulled in and won’t come back up for breath again until the very last page. Beartown continues my love for Fredrik Backman and my insistence that he is one author who everybody should read.”

Read my full review here | Pick up a copy from Amazon

The Curfew by T.M. Logan

The Curfew is another solid thriller from T.M. Logan, but I don’t feel like I enjoyed it quite as much as The Catch. This may be because the father who acts as the protagonist isn’t quite as unhinged and erratic as in The Catch or it may just be that the story itself never truly got going in quite the same way and then suddenly hits you with a slightly weak twist. Don’t get me wrong though, The Curfew does what Logan does best, it drip-feeds you just enough information at the end of each information to keep you rapidly flipping the pages throughout. If you’re looking to scratch a thriller itch, The Curfew may just be your aloe vera!”

Read my full review | Pick up a copy from Amazon

Conclave by Robert Harris

Conclave surprised me with how much I ended up enjoying it. The topic isn’t one I’d usually have much interest in but Robert Harris has managed to write a really fantastic take on the whole series of events that would lead from the death of one pope and to the election of another including the political intrigue and game-playing that likely takes place during such times. Our main protagonist is incredibly likeable and there are some equally dislikeable other characters to balance him out. This makes Conclave a brief but brilliant story about a matter I never knew I’d be so interested in.”

Read my full review | Pick up a copy from Amazon

Aiduel’s Sin by Daniel T Jackson

“As I said above, I only just finished Aiduel’s Sin. I have been “reading” it now since January when my Christmas pre-order arrived. If you follow my newsletter you’ll know I’ve been talking about how brilliant it is as a book but, being quite thick and not having an audiobook means I’ve struggled to find time to focus on it. But it’s finished now and bl**dy hell it’s good! I cannot wait for the third book in the series!”

Read my full review | Pick up a copy from Amazon

In summary…

April has been another fantastic month of reading for me which, as I mentioned at the start, included a wide range of different genres.

I’d have to say my favourite book of the month is either Beartown or The Four Winds, however, it could also be Aiduel’s Sin. So let’s just say I have three favourite books from this month. However, even having not finished the reviews for three of the books on this list, I know no book I read in April is going to have less than a 4 rating.

You can always follow me on StoryGraph if you want to see my quick review of books before my full review goes up on my blog.

What books did you read this month? Which were your favourites? Have you read any of the books I read? Let me know in the comments box below or via social media.

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