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The Top 5 Most Read Articles I Posted in June 2023

Hi! Welcome to my website. Every month on here, I post a summary of the five most-read articles from the previous month in order from least read to most read.

Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products.

This serves a multitude of purposes: one is the give me a summary of the articles and genres of books that people want to read but it also gives other book bloggers a chance to see which posts do well and hopefully provide some ideas.

Therefore, if you’re a blogger then you may find my list below quite helpful. Alternatively, you may just be a fan of my blog and are interested to know what’s doing well!

As always, the list of articles are below in order from least page views to most page views and then there’s a short excerpt from the article itself along with a link to the article.

5. What were the top 5 most popular articles on my blog in May 2023?

“I tried this month to write some articles that weren’t just book reviews to try and spice up what appeared in the most-read list. However, it appears a lot of people were just interested in reading reviews this month despite me throwing in a couple of genuine blog posts to read. What I’ve Learned from Two Years of Blogging – 3 Must-Use Tips did make it to fourth on the list, but my other article What Apps Does a Book Blogger Actually Use didn’t appear in my most-read which was a shame. Maybe it’ll have a resurgence next month.

I think the review if Wool did so well because the author initially posted a tweet I did to his own social media channels and so it would likely have got some traction from those new followers. Plus the TV show (entitled Silo) launched on Apple TV+ last month and so will have received some views from Google Search results there.”

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4. Of Blood and Fire by Ryan Cahill book review

Of Blood and Fire is a brand new fantasy series that has shot right to the top of my priorities over the coming year. The characters Cahill has written in, the world he is beginning to build and his incredibly approachable writing style have made this one of the most fun reading experiences I’ve had in the fantasy genre in a very long time. As quickly as possible, I will be picking up the sequel and jumping straight into what could become one of the best fantasy series of the modern generation”

Read the full review | Pick up a copy of the book from Amazon

3. Did Atomic Habits by James Clear Actually Change Anything About My Life?

“I’ve noted a few times in this review that I am a huge sceptic when it comes to any of these books that claim to change your life, however, I came out of reading Atomic Habits not feeling like I’d read a load of wishy-washy nonsense about how I should change my mindset but with real tangible applications. Also, my favourite lesson to come out of this book is that you don’t have to start off big – in fact starting off very small and consistently doing something very small is the best way to start as it promotes what you want to be being very easy. If you’re looking to become a millionaire in the next six months, this may not be the book for you, but if you’re trying to consistently take up running or lose a little weight or something tangible like this, then Atomic Habits may offer you some great steps to help build up those habits.”

Read the full review | Pick up a copy of the book from Amazon

2. The five books I read in May 2023 and what I thought about them

“This month wasn’t my most productive month for reading, likely due to the fact I had to read some actual physical books this month. However, it was still a great month for reading with only The Atlas Six being the big disappointment really. In fact, The Atlas Six may be one of the lowest reviews I’ve ever given on my blog. It was so utterly dull for so long throughout and had so much potential that I think a lot of my negative thoughts about it are a disappointment.

However, it’s great to see the likes of High Wire and ReInception as two of my favourite books of the month. Both were great fun to read and showed off the absolute best of authors writing their first novel out of pure joy and taking the time to curate it perfectly.”

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1. The Blade Itself by Joe Abercrombie book review

“I feel like the sequel to The Blade Itself could go on to be one of my favourite fantasy books of all time. If Abercrombie can take the incredible characters and the world he’s built here and throw it into a grander scale with a better plot, he’s got the recipe for an absolute winner. 

The Blade Itself is brilliant though. Its grimdark nature and wonderfully dark sense of humour make this fantasy book feel so down-to-earth and enjoyable! Glokta is our standout anti-hero as the funny but obviously dark main protagonist and possibly one of my favourite characters in any book I’ve ever read.”

Read the full review | Pick up a copy of the book from Amazon

In summary…

I wrote mostly book reviews this month and so that’s what ended up featuring most in this list. I am a tad surprised to see The Blade Itself has done so well and ended up as the most-read article of the month. I know there’s a big fan base for it but you’d have thought they’d already have read the review. Plus fantasy never does quite as well as your mainstream books.

It’s interesting to see that the round-up of the five books I’ve read from the previous month is consistently appearing near the top of these lists now. It suggests people are coming to my blog to find some book recommendations – or my social posting is working well!

Let me know what your most popular blog posts were on your blog this month or which articles from above you read and enjoyed the month.

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