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The Top 5 Most-Read Articles on my blog in September 2023

Every month, I compile a list of the top five articles that I posted from the previous month in order of the most to least read. Therefore, the start of October has rolled around and so I’ve headed over to my Google Analytics and had a quick look to see what you lot had been reading.

Please note that this article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the products.

I do this every month for several reasons. The first is simply to give you lot an idea as to which articles have been the most read over the previous month. This may give you some ideas as to what you can post to your blog if you’re a blogger or just those of you who are nosey and want to take a peek.

What it also does it give me a chance to look back and see which articles did the best over the past month and which didn’t do so well.

This previous month I tried to post some slightly different articles as I didn’t do one of these last month due to not even posting five articles and definitely none that weren’t just book reviews.

Being able to see which works and which doesn’t gives me some good ideas as to which articles I can take inspiration from.

So I’ve listed the five articles as well as links to the articles and an extract from the articles themselves. This gives you a quick glimpse at the articles in case the title isn’t obvious enough.

Also, where the articles are book reviews, I’ve included a book link too if you fancy going and quickly picking it up.

So which are the top five articles that you have been reading over the past month?

5. Us Against You by Fredrik Backman book review

“When writing a sequel to a book that was so loved for being unique, dark and full of emotion, it’s hard to replicate that. Us Against You absolutely nails it. The tone of the book is the exact same as the first, the pacing is nearly identical and the characters we learned to love from the previous book are accompanied by new characters we learn to equally love. Backman continues to hold himself onto the top of my authors list. He just doesn’t miss for me.”

Read my full review | Buy a copy of the book

4. Hostage by Clare Mackintosh book review

Hostage is a brilliant thriller. If you’re someone who has a fear of flying, then you may be all right here as it never really feels that tense. However, there are other elements going on, her daughter being in trouble mainly but also some clever chapters in which we hear anonymous accounts from some of the passengers which added intrigue. It’s a really interesting thriller that will have you wanting to know what’s next. It’s not going to change your life but if you enjoy a good thriller with a time limit, this may keep you happy.”

Read my full review | Buy a copy of the book

3. How to make sure you’re motivated to write

“I have owned and been writing on a blog for well over two years now and it has meant that I’ve had to learn how to keep productively writing without feeling burned out.

Therefore, I thought I’d use some of the techniques and methods I use or have used to help ensure that I have kept my blog active for multiple years now.

Not all of these tips will apply to everyone and not all of them will even be applicable. But what I’d suggest doing is trying all of them and seeing if any of them stick as this is the best way to pick up a new habit.”

Read the full article

2. The Three books I read in August and why I read so few

“I’d say that my favourite book of the month is either Us Against You or The Bullet That Missed but in general,it was a fantastic month for reading.

The Bullet That Missed was the perfect book to take with me to Seville – it’s incredibly easy to read, the font is quite large and the plot isn’t particularly taxing which made it the perfect book to pick up at any point and not have to worry too much about putting down again.

I imagine September will be a more productive month for reading for me as I’m back at work full time and so will be able to smash out plenty of audiobooks and hopefully (with a heat wave coming up) be able to sit outside in the evenings and the weekends to do some reading!”

Read the full article

1. The Bullet That Missed by Richard Osman book review

The Bullet That Missed continues to ride on the successful formula that the series has adopted – the plot is enjoyable and easy enough to follow that it makes for a quick and easy book to read and the characters are an absolute delight to read about. The writing isn’t going to blow your mind and don’t expect the story to take you on some spiritual journey but The Thursday Murder Club series is still on strong form with this third entry. In fact, I would argue that this is my favourite in the series so far.”

Read my full review | Buy a copy of this book

So in summary…

This month was a fantastic month for both reading and the posts I uploaded. It was the first month in a long time where I managed to write posts that weren’t just reviews and summary blog posts so that was important. When I started this blog, I wanted it to have a niche but also be a place where I could write my own opinions alongside the reviews and more traditional articles seen on a blog.

It’s great to see that one of these featured this month too. I’m always looking for ways to include something slightly different on my blog, so seeing one of these included is great.

Also, I’m not surprised to see that my review of The Bullet That Missed is at the top of the list either. I posted the article quite early on in the month but it’s also an incredibly popular book that I think a lot of people enjoy so that probably brought a fair few readers.

Did you read any of these articles? If so, which was your favourite?

If you’re a blogger, what did you post this month? Let me know via the comments section below or by finding me on social media “@lukesblog1”.

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