What Were the Top 5 Most Popular Articles On My Blog in May 2023?

Every month I write an article where I sum up which articles you lot have read the most over the previous month. This gives everybody an insight into what the best articles are to be writing about at the moment or you may simply follow my website closely and be interested to see what did well.

Please note that article contains affiliate links. This means that if you choose to purchase any products via the links below, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links do not affect my final opinion of the product.

These articles also work well to highlight which book reviews I wrote that month ended up being the most interesting for people. These articles do a great job to often highlight what’s trending too.

As always, I’ve written out the five most popular blog posts below starting with the fifth least most popular (if that makes sense) and leading up to the most popular. I’ve then included either my summary of the review itself or an extract from the article itself so you know what to expect.

Also, because I’m nice, I’ve included direct links to the articles themselves and an article to the book, if it’s a review, should you wish to go ahead and purchase it.

Anyway, let’s get into the top articles of the month – let’s see what did well!

book review. the atlas six by olive Blake. www.lukeharkness.com

5. The Atlas Six by Olivie Blake book review

The Atlas Six came with a lot of hype. It has a fantastic premise and a delightfully attractive front cover, plus it does start off strong. But, it just then completely falls apart. After some initial action sequences, there’s then absolutely nothing that happens for ages until Blake tries to round everything up towards the end. Even then it feels like the final few chapters were written with no real direction but to have a sequel possible. The Atlas Six is one of the lowest ratings I’ve given a book on my blog because it was just so dull and way too serious. I hear the sequel is worse, so this may be the end of this series for me already.”

Read my full review | Pick up a copy of the book from Amazon

What I've learned from two years of blogging. three must use tips. www.lukeharkness.com

4. What I’ve Learned from Two Years of Blogging – 3 Must-Use Tips

“Realistically, I can’t think of any large goals for this blog over the coming year. The one thing that constantly pops up on my mind though is that it is no longer really a blog and that it is more of a website. 

I wouldn’t say I’m exactly blogging anymore. With the large number of reviews I’m doing, there’s a lot more to these than there are actual blog posts discussing anything less formal. Yes, this is a blog post, so that’s a little hypocritical but there aren’t as many of these as there used to be.

Going forward, I want to keep up some consistency though. If I can carry this on for another year, we’ll see where I am from then on and then just keep going. As I said near the start, I’m still enjoying it and so I can’t see a time where I won’t keep on doing it.”

Read the full article here

Book review. The Curfew by TM Logan. www.lukeharkness.com

3. The Curfew by T.M. Logan book review

The Curfew is another solid thriller from T.M. Logan, but I don’t feel like I enjoyed it quite as much as The Catch. This may be because the father who acts as the protagonist isn’t quite as unhinged and erratic as in The Catch or it may just be that the story itself never truly got going in quite the same way and then suddenly hits you with a slightly weak twist. Don’t get me wrong though, The Curfew does what Logan does best, it drip-feeds you just enough information at the end of each information to keep you rapidly flipping the pages throughout. If you’re looking to scratch a thriller itch, The Curfew may just be your aloe vera!”

Read my full review | Pick up a copy of the book from Amazon

Book Review. Breathless by Amy McCuloch. www.lukeharkness.com

2. Breathless by Amy McCulloch book review

“Despite its attempts to be a unique thriller, Breathless still ends up being fairly generic and formulaic. McCulloch does an impressive job with her knowledge of mountaineering and there is one character who I actually enjoyed our protagonists’ interactions with. But in general, the plot was predictable, had no real pace, and did nothing new and our main protagonist was about as formulaic a protagonist in a thriller as you can get, unfortunately. If you like mountaineering and killing, Breathless might be for you. If you’re looking for a great book today, this won’t likely be it.”

Read my full review | Pick up a copy of the book from Amazon

Book Review. Wool by Hugh Howey. www.lukeharkness.com

1. Wool by High Howey book review

“Was Wool worth the overwhelming hype I’d heard from it? It felt like it was going to be for the first third, but as it progressed it slowed down and the surprises and action slowed to a pace of walking. I’ve been told the series really kicks off in the second book which is the best of the trilogy and so I’m going to presume people were referring to the series as a whole as being great. Wool will satisfy any and all dystopian science-fiction fans – it ticks all the right boxes for lovers of these genres and opens up a deep world which will leave you interested in finding out more.”

Read my full review | Pick up a copy of the book from Amazon

In summary…

I tried this month to write some articles that weren’t just book reviews to try and spice up what appeared in the most-read list. However, it appears a lot of people were just interested in reading reviews this month despite me throwing in a couple of genuine blog posts to read. What I’ve Learned from Two Years of Blogging – 3 Must-Use Tips did make it to fourth on the list, but my other article What Apps Does a Book Blogger Actually Use didn’t appear in my most-read which was a shame. Maybe it’ll have a resurgence next month.

I think the review if Wool did so well because the author initially posted a tweet I did to his own social media channels and so it would likely have got some traction from those new followers. Plus the TV show (entitled Silo) launched on Apple TV+ last month and so will have received some views from Google Search results there.

If you’re a blogger, what were your most-read articles this month? Which of the posts from above did you manage to read or enjoy the most? Let me know on any of my social media platforms!

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