Dead Head by C J Skuse book review

The third book in the Sweetpea trilogy, Dead Head, sees our hilarious secret serial killer, Rhiannon, on the run. She’s trying to hide from society as the whole world has found out about her and weirdly made her into an exciting celebrity for the whole of Twitter to talk about. In fact, she even has a book out now.

Book Review. Dead Head by C J Skuse.

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As I said above, Dead Head is the third book in the series, so if you’ve not read the previous two books in the series, you can read my review of Sweetpea and read my review of In Bloom.

Dead Head is without a doubt the best book in the Sweetpea trilogy so far. Rhiannon is trying to hide from the world and completely change her identity as she’s been found out and in this modern society has become an infamous celebrity with many praising her for the victims, and hailing her as a hero. However, is Rhiannon starting to question her killings and is there more to her life than monotony and murder?

Dead Head plot – 4/5

The story in Dead Head is by far the best of the trilogy so far. Rhiannon finds herself on a cruise, jumping off at different places, and meeting new people along the way. Without spoiling too much, she ends up falling in with the wrong people in a dark part of the world but builds two great connections with people whilst doing so.

Leaving England and the monotony of her everyday life means that Dead Head is given far more scope and potential than the previous two books. The people she meets and the stories she experiences have a much broader depth than popping down the shops or walking along the coast that we saw in her life in previous books. This means that there’s a far more engaging story here.

The highlight for me though was the final third of the book. Where the previous two books kind of whimpered to a finish, this explodes into a finale with some genuine action and a much faster-paced plot. It was a great turn for the series and one I hope is continued with the next book in the series, whenever that is due to come out.

Dead Head characters – 4.5/5

Once again, as with the previous two books in the Sweetpea series, Dead Head features Rhiannon as our protagonist – the opinionated, hilarious, highly controversial but weirdly loveable serial killer. Her humour, her very relatable takes on the world around her and her calmness are all endearing and give us a main character that you root for throughout the whole book.

Dead Head does take the characters up a notch from previous books, it introduces us to another protagonist who remains mostly mysterious but gives us glimpses of kindness and vulnerability that result in you undoubtedly enjoying his company.

Dead Head final rating – 4.25/5

Dead Head gets rid of a lot of the monotony and murder of the previous books in the series for a far broader story with more interesting characters. The story has more action and doesn’t just take us through the monotonous actions of an everyday person who’s a serial killer.

Rhiannon is still an opinionated comic but one who is now starting to really question who she is and whether the path she’s taken is the path she wants to continue going forward.

With all of these elements added up, Dead Head is by far the best in the Sweetpea series so far. So if you enjoyed the previous two books, you’ll love this even more but if you struggled with the previous two, it may be worth sticking it out for this one!

Pick up a copy of Dead Head from Amazon here.

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