Blogger Spotlight: Cosmic Taryn

Today’s Blogger Spotlight is ironically highlighting someone who loves to interview other people. Taryn’s blog focuses on telling the stories of people she finds interesting around the world. This isn’t limited to just fellow bloggers, she interviews authors, artists, developers, entrepreneurs and many more.

Blogger Spotlight Cosmic Taryn
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Taryn also has two books of poetry out that I have linked at the end of the post!

What is your blog about?
I have a blog where I interview interesting people. I believe everyone has a story to tell or something worth sharing with the rest of the world. I’d love for my readers to be able to connect with anyone from authors, artists, podcasters, website developers, programmers, entrepreneurs etc.
What do you think makes your blog stand out from others?
That’s hard for me to answer. I’d love to say my personality comes through in my writing and that’s what attracts readers but I’m not that confident in my skills… yet. So, let’s go with the fact that I offer people an opportunity to get themselves or their work out there.
What made you want to start a blog?
It was a way to practice my writing and do something I enjoy without strict deadlines. Being my own boss means I make the rules and break them if needed.
What’s the most successful post you’ve ever written?
I don’t look at the numbers. But I know that the interview with author Sein Ares was very popular and quite exciting for me to draft. I mean there’s a book trailer for Red Moon!!! That’s just amazing!
What was your proudest moment as a blogger?
I’m not there yet. I know what I want to achieve but it’s going to take time in getting there. And that would be making a living off my blog/services.
What advice would you give to those looking to start a blog?

The best advice is to just start. You’ll find out lots along the way, meet interesting people and learn about yourself. It’s a great journey.

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